Friday, February 27, 2009

Two Season Lake Champlain Quilts

When I saw the hand dyed sky blue fabric, I knew exactly what scenes I wanted under it. Half a yard later - two scenes of Lake Champlain from my childhood home. I've been sailing many times in my father's yellow sailboat. I've only been ice fishing a couple of times, and never in a pick-up. But lots of people do drive their vehicles out on the lake, pull their ice houses into place and set up camp for weekends of fishing. A really fresh fish jumps in the pan and Lake Champlain perch are sweet and flaky. I am reserving the other half a yard for a scene near where I live now, that is unless I can't resist another lake scene. It's funny, I never think of moving back to the islands, but when I am quilting, sometimes it feels as if I never left.