Friday, February 26, 2010

I just finished a week of sewing table runners and baby quilts.

After a few weeks of quilting art quilts it is nice to do work which doesn't require a lot of thought.

I wish I could say sewing bindings was meditative and calming.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

More on art vs craft.
I'm reading Choosing Craft the artist's viewpoint, edited by Halper and Douglas. I find much of the artists' writing selections to be filled with semantics. However, I recently read through these quotes which were thought provoking and to-the-point.
"Crafts have to be made, crafts have to be objects, and crafts usually must have some connection to traditional materials, techniques, and histories. Being necessarily limited, craft is thus not fully commensurable with art. It is philosophically different. Like it or not, craft and art are somewhat different things... Crafters respond first and foremost to the material in their hands...I propose that a crafter will not subordinate his or her medium, whatever the medium, to intellectually interesting ideas." - Bruce Metcalf (metalsmith and critic)
I have been reading a lot about art quilters who do their work on fiber and spend inordinate amounts of reworking the cloth. They paint it, embellish it, stain it, rip it, and fuse it. Is this what makes me a crafter and them artists? I enjoy paring a landscape down to only the essential shapes and colors. I have no desire to manipulate the cloth other than with stitches and I always have three layers stiched and bound together which is the basic definition of what a quilt is.
Wild Turkeys in Amherst College Fields is one of many pieces I hope to sell this spring.